Learn 10 Healthy Recipes You Can Make Using Black Rice
A bowl of white rice is a nice evening meal, and a satisfying one at that. But how many of you know that there’s a distant, darker cousin of white rice you’ve hardly heard of? Yes, Black Rice is a thing for real, and this article elaborates on this lesser known, much healthier variety of rice. Keep reading. To speak of its gastronomical legacy, Black Rice was a part of Chinese royal food culture. Barring a handful of wealthy families and kinsmen, this unique variety of rice wasn’t available for the general public for consumption. And it continued to be an ‘elite’ staple, which earned it a new label - ‘The Forbidden Rice’ or ‘The Emperor’s Rice’. Health Benefits of Black Rice Black Rice is a powerhouse of nutrition. It’s incredibly healthier, and was primarily consumed by Chinese royals for the better functioning of stomach, liver and kidney. It’s a potent antioxidant agent with healing benefits for diabetes, and also supports heart and brain-related activities. Moreover, it’s...